Monday, January 18, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

It's a great feeling to complete an assignment that was once a far-off lofty thought. Doubt occasionally creeps in... "can I do this?", I wonder. After much deliberation and digging-in, taking the time necessary to accomplish the goal. "Yes", is the resounding answer!

Follow the system... that is why it is in place. Makes sense!

Keeping up with the assignments plays a major role in the success of a class, especially when each week builds upon the previous week.

Time management has been an issue for me this term. I am sure that my points would be much higher if I remained plugged in to the class and turned in my coursework in a timely manner.

Why I live...

This is my precious Granddaughter showing off her ballerina outfit. She is my sunshine when skies are gray. (need to learn to rotate pictures!)

Her mama is very blessed to have such a sweet child. They are blessed to have each other. My daughter has been a great Mom. Being a single Mom is not simple but she has done well in the midst of her circumstances.

These two special lives that God has blessed me with fill my life with inspiration. They are part of the reason I wake every morning thankful for the day I have been given.

The silly one at the very top of this post is the other reason I live. She is my youngest, now 21. She is also my sunshine. I am so very blessed sometimes I wonder if I deserve such a loving family and amazing friends and then I remember...
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

My other reason for living is do God's will for my life. I am passionate about taking care of our bodies...we only get one therefore, we must care for it. Proper nutrition consumption is the difference between an awesome life full of energy, ready to take on the day and being consumed by pain, sadness and depression. This is why I am working toward a degree in Nutrition Science. This will enable me to help others understand that eating their broccoli really is good for them!

Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates

"Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!" ~1 Samuel 25:6

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reflection... an interesting word.

What does it mean? At first thought, it is the process of review, such as what most do at the birth of a new year, the commencement of a new decade.

The root word Reflect is also known as reverberate, chew over, contemplate, excogitate, meditate... can be a deep introspective thought; to ponder, mull over, digest.

And the medical term: 1. to bend or fold back : impart a backward curve, bend, or fold to 2 : to push or lay aside (as tissue or an organ) during surgery in order to gain access to the part to be operated on reflected and later closed over the stump.

As I ruminate over the last few weeks, I see that my efforts have been severely lacking. My time management skills are grievously deficient.

If I were on top of it, my post would be completed in a timely manner which would allow for my classmates to make comments on my posts. I feel as though I have cheated them out of the opportunity to "hear" me. I believe everyone has something to say and should be heard. Even if it is vacuous of expression.

My blogging days have only just begun! I find that it is a great way to keep in touch with family, friends and the blogosphere. To share joys, sorrows, victories and triumphs.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Peer Reviews are Peachy & Priceless!

Although I do not ever enjoy pointing out the shortcomings of another person, I believe peer reviews are essential to perfecting a paper. I feel that I have provided valuable feedback to my peers and hope they feel the same.

I am thrilled with the amount of information I have been able to find regarding my topic, Living with Parkinson's disease. I have chosen this topic due to the fact that my father was diagnosed a couple of years ago. I have also found a nutritional program that I believe has hampered the progression of his disease. His neurologist marvels at his ability to walk across the office with ease and at his tight grip when shaking hands.

Proper nutrition, I have found and strongly believe is a way to prevent and alleviate disease. Our bodies crave good nutrition and were designed to be well. I don't believe God created us to procreate and find a way to suffer with disease that will eventually kill us!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Words of Wisdom

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible
is by going beyond them into the impossible."
- Arthur C. Clarke

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How has it been??

The past 6 weeks have been a blur. I must have too much happening and therefore my time speeds by at an incredible rate!

I have learned that time management is a valuable tool to have on my side.

Having more than one class means that my day must be more organized between my business, family, Church obligations and course work. It also means that I must learn to say "No" to additional projects that come up including social events.

Obtaining a passing grade at Kaplan is determined by a point system. If coursework is completed in a timely manner fulfilling all requirements as noted on the syllabus, the maximum amount of points are possible. If the work is late or not completed and therefore missing these points, my overall grade will be affected.

Completion of coursework (in a timely manner)must be taken seriously. Doing extra work for credit to make up for missing points is unfortunately not an option.

Therefore, for the first time in my 40+ years on this planet, I will be ringing in the new year immersed in coursework...until each and every assignment is complete!!

Happy 2010! I anticipate it to be filled with abundance and blessings!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today's thoughts...

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile!

Make peace with your past so it won’t mess up your present. When necessary use chocolate to ease the process.

Today I have found that my eyesight is diminishing. Staring at my laptop screen to read various research articles and discussion board post may be a contributing factor. I am not sure why I have not been posting to my blog on a regular or timely basis. I quite enjoy writing. When I was in high school, (many decades ago, I am thrilled that I can remember that far back!) I begrudgingly took a creative writing class as part of an English requirement.

Much to my surprise I absolutely loved the class! I had no idea that I would enjoy it as much as I did. I don't remember learning grammar or mechanics of writing. I only remember writing and writing and more writing. Developing short stories which completely carried me away...from reality. Something I desperately needed at the time. During the class I found out that my boyfriend, love, confidant and best friend for 4 long years cheated on me! He found an easy chick that would give him what every high school boy thinks about all day and wants...all day if they could!

Writing is certainly therapeutic. Studies on those who journal on a regular basis has been shown to have healing effects.

I think I need to start a journal to get me through the stress of being a college student. :) or perhaps start a blog!